Friday, July 03, 2009

Rosemary tells us about her Mummy and Daddy

This is cross-posted from ‘the other blog’, as it’s a very Rosemary-centric post. And I thought it was only fair to ask her the same questions about Chris. Here are the results:


  1. What is something Mummy always says to you?
  2. What makes Mummy happy?
    Not shouting.
  3. What makes Mummy sad?
  4. How does Mummy make you laugh?
    Tickling me [did give her some hints after an initial ‘I don’t know’]
  5. What was Mummy like as a little girl?
    I don’t know.
  6. How old is Mummy?
  7. How tall is Mummy?
    This tall [pointing at me]
  8. What is Mummy’s favourite thing to do?
  9. What does Mummy do when you’re not there?
  10. If Mummy became famous what would it be for?
  11. What is Mummy really good at?
  12. What is Mummy not very good at?
  13. What does Mummy do for her job?
    Maybe paddling pools
  14. What is Mummy’s favourite food?
  15. If Mummy could have one wish, what would it be?
    Chocolate, maybe.


  1. What is something Daddy always says to you?
    Milk [holding up a cup of milk]
  2. What makes Daddy happy?
    Spraying [pointing at water spray]
  3. What makes Daddy sad?
  4. How does Daddy make you laugh?
  5. What was Daddy like as a little boy?
    I don’t know.
  6. How old is Daddy?
  7. How tall is Daddy?
    This tall [drawing a long line all the way up the page]
  8. What is Daddy’s favourite thing to do?
  9. What does Daddy do when you’re not there?
  10. If Daddy became famous what would it be for?
    I don’t know.
  11. What is Daddy really good at?
    Looking for snails and slugs
  12. What is Daddy not very good at?
    Not eating bananas [not sure if she understands about double negatives or if she actually means he’s no good at eating bananas!]
  13. What does Daddy do for his job?
    Music, maybe
  14. What is Daddy’s favourite food?
  15. If Daddy could have one wish, what would it be?
    A toy

We were amused, anyway.

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