Well not quite, but it was her taster session at The Shambles Nursery School, today. She was very excited to be going to 'school' and was expecting to see lots of bags and, for some reason, a giraffe. She was so excited that I was able to use it as tool to persuade her to go back to sleep in her own bed at 4am ('Go back to sleep in your own bed, like a big girl who goes to nursery school.'). And when she woke up, at just after 8am, she came running into our room and said 'Mummy, get up, it's morning time. I need to get dressed and brush my teeth and go to nursery school. Come on!'
We arrived at about 10am, knocked on the door and were let in, at which point she immediately ran off to the water play area. I spoke to Patsy, the woman in charge for a bit, then she said 'If you want to try leaving her, you can.' Wow! Wasn't expecting that, but it makes sense to try it at the taster session, to prepare for any potential problems. So I went over to Rosemary and asked if she would be OK if I left for half an hour. 'OK. Bye.' and she ran off to some other activity. I left my mobile number and went and had a coffee. It felt very strange.
When I got back she was happily playing in the home corner. She noticed me and came over to show me a saucepan. Apparently, she was absolutely fine. She explored most of the different activities they had out and she had some milk at snack time. Patsy did have to intervene at one point when she was trying to take something from another girl in the home corner but, apparently, when asked, she was quite happy to have something else to play with instead and there were no tantrums.
The difficult part was persuading her to leave, as she would quite happily have stayed there for the rest of the session. I did manage to talk her into leaving, in the end, though, again with no tears. As we walked down the steps she said 'I like my new nursery school, mummy.'
So.... roll on 10 November, as Rosemary is definitely ready for it!
You Choose
You Choose by Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharatt - wonderful book and also the
inspiration for a great game to keep children amused on walks.
11 years ago