Sunday, October 12, 2008

Cleaning up

Rosemary's latest 'thing' is wiping. She likes to take a baby wipe and go around the house (and elsewhere) wiping everything in sight. The other day, she went to the park with Granny Jenny and didn't go on any of the equipment; she just wiped it all.

Some of the things she says while she's wiping:
  • I've just got to wipe this.
  • Hmm, this is dirty. I have to wipe it.
  • I'm a good wiper.
In addition to this, a slightly more useful habit she has developed is putting her bowls, plates and cutlery in the sink when she's finished with them (fortunately, she still uses plastic implements, otherwise we might have a lot of broken china on our hands). She hasn't worked out how to load the new dishwasher yet, but I'm hoping that will come within a few months ;) .

I was going to say I have no idea where she gets it from, as I consider myself very much an undomestic goddess. However, wiping the tables and worksurfaces down and doing the dishes are both things that I do make a point of doing quite a lot, so it could actually be something she's picking up from me. So, watch this space, and maybe Facebook and Babyworld, for when she picks up the whole blogging and rambling on inanely on the net thing from me (us!).

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