Age ~ 3 months, 8 days
Weight ~ Not sure; about a stone
Length ~ No ídea !
Feeding ~ 100% Mummy Milk, roughly every 3 hours, for about 10-15 minutes, with occassional hour to hour and a half marathons, especially in the early evening
Favourite toys - Turtle, big 'spider' on the baby gym, which she spins round for ages; also likes her parrot; and has recently been really enjoying books (well, how could she not in this family?)
Milestone from past month ~ First laughs, rolled over, though not done so a lot, really trying to move when on tummy, will probably be crawling quite early
What size clothes ~ All 3-6 month, since she was about 2 months, may need to get out the 6-9 months box next month
What size nappies ~ Size 4, whatever's on special offer
Language development: Blowing bubbles, which is apparently an essential step in learning to talk. Squeals, makes gurgling kind of talking sounds. 'Chats' - i.e. listens to someone talking then responds.
Physical development: Can hold self up on arms when on tummy for a bit. Pushing forwards with feet when on tummy and can actually move herself forward a bit. Sitting up with only a littke aid. Very strong legs; can weight-bear on them for a bit and 'stand' when being held lightly.
Social, emotional and intellectual development: Presumably all happening in the background, but no specific milestones, except for laughing.
You Choose
You Choose by Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharatt - wonderful book and also the
inspiration for a great game to keep children amused on walks.
11 years ago
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