Rosemary woke at 3.30am (5.5 hours sleep!) and had a good feed. Went back down at 4am and slept through to 7.30am. She had half a feed and then a nappy change. She had a half hour or naked wriggling on her changing mat and chatting to nappy monster, then got fed up and had the rest of her feed (i.e. other side!) and fell asleep. Slept in her chair until 10.30am, so another hour and a half approximately. Then had more food and some chattering in her chair.
Then we went into town. We used the carrier again and I was able to put the library books in the rucksack, as well as the nappy-changing bits, because only needed one change of clothes and a couple of nappies. We went to library and met Eva on the way. She got hungry at the library, so fed her in the children's library and she fell fast asleep, listening to her Aunite Eva reading a story. Aw. As she seemed to be fast asleep, I decided to try putting her in the carrier facing me. Managed to get it on, and she was lying (or hanging really, I suppose!) with her head resting on my chest. Aw.
Eva picked out some books for her - I specified board books with bright colours and big pictures, as these are what seem to attract her attention the most. Then we left and met up with Holli, who Eva was going to spend some time with. Nipped into WH Smith and got the Independent, because of the Madame Bovary free DVD, then Rosemary woke up. Then popped into Somerfield to pick up some things for lunch. Rosemary seemed to be happy enough facing me, instead of facing out. She was staring up at me lots and giving me quite a few smiles. But when we started walking home, she got a bit upset. She was just shouting at first, but by the time we got to the Fountain, she was really screaming, poor thing. I think it was more to do with the fact that she fell asleep before finishing her feed (only had one side) and so she was hungry - rather than being upset because she was facing inwards. Though I could be wrong, of course.
Fed her some more when we got home. She had a few smallish (5-10 minutes) feeds, while I had my lunch and then she was dropping off so I put her in her chair and she fell asleep at about 2.45pm.
And woke at 8.15pm - 5.5 hours sleep in the day! Fortunately, she did still sleep at night. She wasn't keen to go in her crib, though, so came in with us. Went to sleep at 10.30pm and slept through to 4.30am (old time), so 6 hours straight! She then had a good feed until 5am (still old time), then woke up at 8am (old time - 7am new time). That actually adds up to about 'normal' (14-16 hours a day), but I think it was the large chunks that surprised me.
You Choose
You Choose by Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharatt - wonderful book and also the
inspiration for a great game to keep children amused on walks.
11 years ago
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