Woke at 4am for a feed, which took about 10 minutes (just one side) and she then went straight back to sleep.
Then woke at 5.30 am and we got up and came upstairs. Had to change nappy and put day clothes on immediately before feeding, because she had leaked (wet, not dirty) all the way through. We had a good feed and some mummy-daughter time smiling and laughing and singing nonsense songs. Then a little bit more of a feed (more a snack, really!) and she went back to sleep in her bouncy chair (with the vibrations turned on - they really help her stay settled in the mornings).
I then did some work while she slept and she woke up again at 10am. Fed her and changed her (twice) then had a bit of a play in the chair then dome more on the bed. Then we went into town, where we met Grandad in Costa Coffee and saw a mum and baby from Parliament Street. Gave Grandad photos to take to Great-Granny-Goddard when he goes down to visit on Friday/Saturday. She will be very happy (thank you Grandma and Grandpa for sending them down!) as she doesn't have any photos of Rosemary. I also gave them both CDs of Rosemary pictures and pictures of our wedding, which we're hoping they'll be able to watch on their DVD players. (If anyone else wants some, let me know. Though might be best to wait and find out if they work!)
We went to Superdrug to get some cotton wool - not on offer, unfortunately, but we picked up nappies, nappy bags and fragrance-free wipes from there last week on special offer, so not too bothered. Also went to Somerfield to pick up a few bits and bobs - dog food, ice lolly juice and some lunch.
Then we came home. Rosemary had a little snooze on the way home, but woke up when we got home and had some more food, some play time and a nappy change. She then fell asleep at about 2.15pm.
And woke up at about 4pm. Had a feed, then a play on her chair with us. Then she read a book with daddy and abother with me. Then more feeding and a nappy change. Then we decamped to the bedroom, where we played with some of her cuddly toys. She's so interested in nappy monster these days - the blue cuddly toy that sits next to her changing mat - that I wanted to see if she'd have a similar reaction to others, but she didn't really. She did see them and do a little chattering, but nothing compared to how she 'interacts' with nappy monster.
Chris changed her nappy and put her in her bed clothes, while I made my dinner. Then we went back upstairs for a bit while I ate my dinner - so that I could eat and feed her at the same time and catch up on some of my internet reading. Then back downstairs for a bit.
Fell asleep at 8pm, but woke up again at 8.30pm. We then did the lights down thing with some lying next to me or on my legs while I watched TV quietly and also some small feeds (again, still nowhere near like the evening binging she used to do) to try to wind her down properly ready for proper sleep. Eva popped in for about 10 minutes at about 9.45. She'd been to the cinema with her friend Jasmine after work, had dinner at Papa's house and then wanted to fit in a little visit to Rosemary, as she doesn't get to see her very often because of her new job. Unfortunately (for Eva) Rosemary was feeding at the time and dropping off to sleep. She did open her eyes a couple of times, but not really to focus properly. I suggested to Eva that she could come and stay the night one evening if she wanted to spend more time with Rosemary. Of course, we don't have a spare room and bed anymore, so that would involve sleeping on the sofa, which wouldn't be much fun and probably not ideal, if she had to go to work the next day.
Anyway, Rosemary got to sleep and went down in her crib pretty much at 10pm. Which does seem to be her preferred time to go to bed properly. Maybe because I often want to go to sleep at about 10pm myself.
You Choose
You Choose by Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharatt - wonderful book and also the
inspiration for a great game to keep children amused on walks.
11 years ago
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