Woke at midnight. Fed for half an hour. Went back to sleep in crib.
Woke at 3am. Fed for half an hour. Went back to sleep in crib.
Woke at 5.30am. Fed for half an hour. Would not settle in crib (too phlegmy), so changed nappy and went upstairs to office at 6am.
Fed a little more then needed changing. Changed into day clothes.
Spent about an hour chattering with me, then fed a little bit and fell asleep at about 8am.
Woke at about 12 noon. Had a good long feed for about 45 minutes. Changed nappy.
Spent half an hour chattering and playing with Chris while I had a shower. Another nappy change.
Spent some time chattering with me then had a small feed for about 15 minutes. Showing signs of tiredness so went into town with buggy. Wide awake most of the time and would not take her eyes off me. Lots of smiles and a bit of chattering. Quite happy, though.
Fell asleep on way home but woke when got home.
Tried giving a little feed and put in chair to settle. Wide awake again, though, and very chattery. Had good chatter with Chris. Then we took some video of her chattering and giggling with me.
Had some more food, then a nappy change at 4.30pm. In chair for a bit, but not sleeping. Starting to get grizzly, which means she's definitely tired. More feeding.
Dropped off at 5.15pm and put down in her crib.
She was up again by 5.25pm.
There followed a feeding frenzy and no sleep, with moments of playfulness and chattering in between. She fell asleep a few times and woke up shortly after being put in her crib.
Finally went to sleep at about midnight, in bed with me and was put in her crib at 2am, where she stayed asleep.
You Choose
You Choose by Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharatt - wonderful book and also the
inspiration for a great game to keep children amused on walks.
11 years ago
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