Woke at 4.30am for a feed. Back to sleep in crib.
Woke at 6am. Had feed. Back to sleep in bouncy chair up in office. (So I can work and because she tends not to be able to sleep very well early in the morning when lying flat in her crib, as she's too mucousy and wakes herself up with trying to breathe through her nose. Poor thing.)
Woke up at about 9am. Changed nappy and put day clothes on (navy leggings and her brown African top - probably my favourite clothes). Then had a good feed then another nappy change and had to cange tights and vest too as a bit of leakage, but fortunately there wasn't enough time for it to leak through to the outer clothes.
Left the house at 10.30 to go to class. Nipped into shop to get a croissant and bottle of coke for me and had a couple of circuits of the park as we were early (wonder or wonders!). Got to class dead on time, but spent five minutes outside talking to Mama, so was late, though the first half hour is just chatting anyway, so that wasn't a problem.
I talked more today. Talked to the two mums who I 'know'. Smiled and said 'hello' to the mum I always seem to see walking round town and to her husband/partner who had come along today. Talked to another couple of mums when I had to change Rosemary, as well, including one who I had met on my first week, but who had been on holiday. And a new mum turned up, whose baby is a week younger than Rosemary, and she sat next to me and I talked to her quite a lot. So I feel a bit more socially adept today. Everyone was marvelling at the cuteness that is Rosemary. Which was quite nice. I think some of them were a bit envious of her slimness.
Usually, Rosemary is grizzly when we get to class and needs feeding immediately, but this time she was very happy and content. She sat on my knee for a while chattering to me and to the women next to me (though mostly to me), then she spent some time on the mat under the play gym, which she enjoyed for about 10 minutes. Then she came back on my lap for a while. She didn't need feeding until we'd been there about 45 minutes or so. She had one side, then relaxed and chattered a bit and then the other side and dropped off to sleep for a bit, but not properly as she woke when she filled her nappy.
The topic this week was play and baby signing. We had a discussion about play and what toys/types of play our babies like and then we had a presentation about baby signing and learnt a few signs. It's something I've read about before and really wanted to do, so I was very interested and it confirmed for me that I really want to do it. I'm not sure whether to just buy a DVD and/or book and do it at home, or try to go to classes. Or maybe a combination of both. The lady who gave the presentation said her classes are full up until Christmas, but she should have some spaces afterwards and might be doing an extra class. There might be some other classes in Gloucester, though, apparently.
We came straight home after class, where Rosemary had a bit more of a chatter and then a feed and dropped off to sleep at 3pm. But she woke up 15 minutes later. She then had a bit more feed and a cuddle with me and then I put her in her bouncy chair as her eyes were drooping, rather than waiting until she was fast asleep. She fell asleep at about 4pm.
She then woke at ... 8pm. Had a feed from one side. Got changed into bed clothes and then had another feed from the other side. She then hung out in the bedroom with me while I watched Seinfeld and then Silent Witness. We had lots of fun playing and chatting and singing, interspersed with some feedingm though nowhere near the evening binging of old.
Chris was in and out and coming in and playing with her throughout the evening. (I think he was working downstairs, but it's akways possible he was just lloking at the Internet!)
It's lovely to see that she's recognising his voice and face so much now. She's really smiling for him and enjoying her time with her daddy.
She went to sleep at about 11.30 and so did I.
You Choose
You Choose by Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharatt - wonderful book and also the
inspiration for a great game to keep children amused on walks.
11 years ago
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