Rosemary woke up at 2.30am for a feed (so 4.5 hours after going to sleep, which is a fair chunk of sleep). She fed for about 25 minutes, but didn't want to settle in her crib, so came into bed and slept fine there. I tried putting her back in her crib at 5.45 when I woke up, but she was ready for a bit of a feed and to be moved up into her bouncy chair, as she was snuffly by then. So we came upstairs and she fed for about 10 minutes then went to sleep in her chair.
And slept until 8.30. Had a nappy change and got into day clothes. Very wet nappy but nothing else. She made up for that later, though. She had a kick about on the changing mat and chattered to Nappy Monster. We had a nice play and chatter in the bouncy chair, then, for quite a while. And she had the music on while I nipped downstairs to get a cuppa and some breakfast. I was only gone for maybe three minutes and she was fine - happy and laughing with the music and sucking away at her fists. She does seem to be able to stay content on her own for longer these days - not that I leave her for very long at all, of course; too neurotic for that, even though plenty of other mums happily leave their babies on their mats while they go around hoovering the house and so on. I'm only just able to leave her alone for a few minutes to make tea or go to the loo. Up until now I've always taken her along or handed her over to Chris. I think it may stem from her having spent her first week and a half in SCBU, where I couldn't be with her every second and where I know for a fact babies were left crying at times.
Anyway, went off on a bit of a tangent there, sorry. After having a play and chatter in her chair, she wanted another feed and then dropped off to sleep (in her chair, not on the breast, which she's managing to do more and more these days). Unfortunately, that was only half an hour before we had to leave to go to see the health visitor. I got her in her buggy and all the way to the surgery without waking her, but she woke up when we went into the waiting room (probably the change of temperature - it's very hot in there). She was quite distraught at having to get undressed and be weighed when she was only half awake and screamed most of the time, though she did get distracted a bit by Jane.
She's now gone over 9lb - by half an ounce (4.1kg in new money). That means she put on 8oz in 2 weeks, which is twice as much as she put on the two weeks before. She's sticking on the 0.4th centile, but is going up at a fairly normal rate, it seems and the health visitor isn't worried. We don't have to go back now for 3 weeks, instead of 2 weeks, so that shows she's not worried. She also thought Rosemary was looking really well and could hear that she's 'talking', even through her screaming.
I was going to give her a feed in the waiting room to calm her down, but she calmed down herself through the change of scenery. Then she got upset in the Co-Op, but calmed down again outside. Then got upset again just before we got home. So I brought her straight upstairs and fed her. She had a feed from one side then a play and chatter with Chris and then a feed from the other side and then went to sleep (at about 1.30pm). Again, she hadn't quite dropped off when I put her down, but she dropped off in her chair (which is good).
And slept until 6.30pm! Wish you would go that long at night more often. Had a nappy change, which she was not happy about, but then had a good long feed, which she was happy about. Another nappy change shortly after and got her into her bed clothes at about 7pm. Then she played with Chris for a bit while I cleaned up the kitchen a bit and started making my dinner. Though she got hungry again so Chris had to finish my dinner for me.
Had dinner at the computer while feeding her, then decamped to the bedroom to watch TV feed and play until she went to sleep at about 11pm. And I went pretty much straight to sleep after her!
You Choose
You Choose by Pippa Goodhart and Nick Sharatt - wonderful book and also the
inspiration for a great game to keep children amused on walks.
11 years ago
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